Welcome to

Mama Mental Health School!

Here you will find evidence-based courses guides from a licensed therapist to help you prepare, cope and communicate through pregnancy, postpartum and beyond!

My courses and free resources will help you increase your mental wellness and give you tools for when the going gets tough.

Mama Mental Health 101

Mama Mental Health 101 is an online course that is:

-Designed specifically for pregnant and postpartum moms

-Crafted into bite-size sections so you can learn between burps and blow outs

Created based on evidenced-based tools

and research

to help you get to know yourself

and learn skills to cope with the emotional ups and downs

of becoming a parent.

Guided Mindfulness Strategies for Different Stages of Motherhood

Whether you're in a season when all you have is micro-moments or you have a little more time and space to practice emotion regulation tools, we often have to get creative about how we tend to ourselves.

The Simple Strategies Bundle has 6 tools that are quick, easy and can be used any time to come back to the present moment and find calm.

The Deep Dives Bundle has 4 longer (8-14minutes) videos that guide you through mindfulness practices for when you have a little extra time to process, feel your feels and move deeper into your mindfulness practice. People who practice these tools find that the overall benefit makes its way into everyday moments too, not just when you're sitting down to meditate :)

All strategies are evidence-based and research backed.

Check Out My Free Mental Health Resources!

Click Below to Access

Types of Therapy:

Have you thought about finding a therapist, but feel overwhelmed by all the styles of therapy, acronyms and recommendations?

Look no further, because this freebie is a cheat-sheet for understanding evidence-based therapies that are especially helpful for supporting problems that can arise in pregnancy and parenthood.

Scripts to Help You Look for a Therapist

OK, so you're thinking about starting therapy. But how do I find the right fit? How do I know about cost? What kinds of questions do I ask?

This guide gives you some easy scripts so you can ask questions that will help you find the therapist thats right for you, your bank account and your schedule.

Self Check-In Guide

Learning to check-in gives us our greatest superpower back: our awareness. Which is much better than getting swept away in the storm of stress, anxiety and unrealistic expectations of momming. 

Use this self-reflection guide as a tool to start to befriend your inner world by answering some of the questions included in this download. My guess is you spend most of your time thinking about and planning for others, so starting to tune in to ourselves can be difficult, but is a game changer. 

Examining Your "Shoulds"

Noticing our thoughts is a foundational step in starting to manage our mental health. Especially as moms, we have a million thoughts going a million directions... and most of them are directed OUTSIDE of us instead of INSIDE. Use this free tool to start tuning in with your own thoughts by looking at when your mind is saying you "should". Even just beginning to notice our thought patterns can help you evaluate which thoughts are helping you and which are making your life harder. 

Partner Support Planning for Bringing A(nother) Baby Home
  • Have you been wondering how you and your partner are going to handle difficult situations once you bring a baby home? Or ANOTHER baby home?
  •  Are you wanting to be proactive about being on the same team and supporting each other before baby comes home?
  • Do you want some language help you have a conversation to talk about how your needs will be heard AND you can hear the needs of your partner?

Then this free download is for you :)

Hey, I'm Jordan!

I'm a licensed therapist and perinatal mental health specialist living and working in the Milwaukee area.

I'm here to challenge social norms about pregnancy and postpartum being all sunshine and roses by providing education and support to all birthing parents.

Knowing what could happen emotionally and growing your coping skills can make a big difference in how you navigate your pregnancy and postpartum adjustment.

And thats why I'm here! Join me!