Noticing our thoughts is a foundational step in starting to manage our mental health. Especially as moms, we have a million thoughts going a million directions... and most of them are directed OUTSIDE of us instead of INSIDE. Use this free tool to start tuning in with your own thoughts by looking at when your mind is saying you "should". Even just beginning to notice our thought patterns can help you evaluate which thoughts are helping you and which are making your life harder.
Are you a mama who has an interest in journaling for mental health and self-care? Starting a habit like this as a mom can be super daunting because of the time it takes to get started and the hassle finding something that will actually be helpful. I've created something that is accessible, tailored to you, and helps you go deeper into your self-awareness than the journaling prompts you find online. Use these prompts to process your feelings, avoid rumination, and feel better.
Finding the right therapist can be challenging. Use this resource to consider comment topics to discuss while looking for a therapist paired with scripts to help get the conversation started.
Learning to check-in gives us our greatest superpower back: our awareness. Which is much better than getting swept away in the storm of stress, anxiety and unrealistic expectations of momming. Use this self-reflection guide as a tool to start to befriend your inner world by answering some of the questions included in this download. My guess is you spend most of your time thinking about and planning for others, so starting to tune in to ourselves can be difficult, but is a game changer.